The Sneaker Fund was established by the Northeast Shrine Clown Association for the purpose of purchasing sneakers for the patients at the Boston Shriners Hospital. Doctors there had recommended that patients with burn injuries wear sneakers because of the comfort and sturdiness they provide.
The original plastic sneaker is on display at the Boston Shriners Hospital, and clown units now use large red and white canvas sneakers to collect funds during performances.
A large red and white sneaker adorns the bar at the Shriners’ Club of Hamilton as the donation point for funds toward the ongoing research and specialized equipment need for patients at Shriners Hospitals. Canadian Klowns raise funds for research into Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) while their American counterparts direct their funds towards burn units.
We encourage you to support the funding of the Shriners Hospitals for Children Canada by visting the Shriners’ Club of Hamilton and putting your coins in the Sneaker, or by donating online to the Hospital or the Rameses Transportation Fund through CanadaHelps.